Higher COVID-19 death rates were present in the southern U.S. due to behavior differences, new study finds

I used to hold many Right wing beliefs. Laughing at people who wanted free healthcare and free education because they were pipe dreams to be impossible to achieve in the current system. Now I'm teetering. I watched Covid since Jan 2020 and saw the president of the time call for a ban on countries at risk travelling here and get downplayed for "Racism" Then I saw republicans flip-flop and choose to ignore the virus. Right wing became synonymous with embracing getting sick and dying to a preventable disease. I've never voted, and am not registered as until this point I believed politics to be a fruitless game to play a part in. This I fear has changed my past judgement, and I feel I may register and vote next season.

/r/HermanCainAward Thread Link - nhs.georgetown.edu