Discussion: Increasing Odds

Worsening odds has really, really changed the game for me. I was pretty content to chase a very limited number of sets, hit tapjoy and the odd master access and do a little trading here and there which I was pretty fair about and happy to help people out.

Now, it is all trading and it's way more cutthroat. I refused to chase 1:65 WV today and went for prisms instead. When you can't actually afford to chase the odds, you have to make the most of the times you beat them. So 2 quick green jar jar pulls has now traded into 3 greens, a blue and a bunch of random posters/icons etc. On Thursday I did the same with Vintage, and am also having to do this with paintings. The crappy odds are pushing way more inserts into random accounts than in the past, so there is a lot more inventory on the fan feed, and on eBay too, so values seem to be driving down across the board.

I would really like for the kick/bunt cross trade values to get into line, though. How can I pull anything in kick with 6 packs a week chasing 1:40 or worse odds on sigs, relics etc? Then I have to trade that against a vintage that they're pulling fairly regularly with 40 packs a week. If anyone wants to see this effect, cruise the vintage transmission chat on Thurs, it's all LF Kick/Bunt and they don't want the TK equivalents in their games. Bunt has better credits but far worse odds, and ironically, the one time I did pull a sig, I had a hell of a time getting anything decent for it.

I understand what you're saying about trying to keep things scarce and using odds to control sellout times, but many marathons are now lower counts than wave 1 to go a long with the terrible odds. Adapting to more players is great, but the odds are rocketing up, while counts are staying pretty much the same. I think with marathons they got caught in a really bad place with the week 1-3 cards and wave 1 in general being rare, but there's no excuse for the DPI sets.

/r/starwarstrader Thread