An idea for award cards

There's a super easy way for Topps to fix the reward card process. Each insert is set to a total number, so say Bounty for example is set to 4000k each week and a total of 10. What they need to do is have each card numbered. So if I pull a bounty today flip it over it's number 100 out of 4000k. That number stays on the card, once I get all 10 cards pulled for the set it should automatically generate an award card with a specific number too. Then those particular cards should be marked redeemed. Example: Week 1 Bounty - 4000k, I pulled #55 Week 2 Bounty - 3500k, I pulled #49 Week 3 Bounty - 4000k, I pulled #1033 Week 4 Bounty - 4000k, I pulled #3994 Week 5 Bounty - 4000k, I pulled #2385 Week 6 Bounty - 4000k, I pulled #3 Week 7 Bounty - 3500k, I pulled #560 Week 8 Bounty - 4000k, I pulled #3345 Week 9 Bounty - 4000k, I pulled #2452 Week 10 Bounty - 3000k, I pulled #1234

So once I pull week 10 bounty and all others are in my account. It should tag all those cards as redeemed, instead of saying sold out. And then I receive my award card with specific number too, say I was the 55th person to get the whole set. Now that award is redeemed as well. If I wanted to trade these cards out to someone else so they could then redeem to get an award too, it wouldn't allow that because any card marked redeemed cannot be used to collect another award. This would make the cards more valuable during the run, award cards would be specifically number and have some worth. And finally, it would prevent sharing of awards. It covers everyone, but here's the major issue. Topps will not put specific numbering in place, because they are lazy! This is the same rule that applied back in the early 90's with inserts. They would say "out of 3000k" but every card you pulled would say that. It wasn't specific to the card it would just say its out of 3000k made. Until they put effort into making the application better, people will continue to find ways to better themselves or quit the application all together. I've stopped making any credit purchases and only use my daily credits right now. And am still trying to sell all my cards off to get off the application.

Topps is the ones that need to step up the application, fans say they are interested but its never going to be what we want because too many suckers just buy blindly.

/r/starwarstrader Thread