Does Kanon have a Brother?

The level of irony and hypocrisy in the drivel you have just vomitted into this comment thread is beyond words. Never have I seen anyone reach this level of pathetic and sheer lack of awareness, jesus christ. Just some of my favourites before I go:

There you go again with your pathetic sniveling slurs. Seriously, people who have nothing better to say can only bark because they have such a big ego and so little to say that they can only insult others

I mean seriously, how pathetic do you wanna get. Anything you say doesn't matter when half of the time you can only insult someone for holding an opinion different than yours.

You seriously sound like an elementary kid throwing a tantrum because others don't agree with you and then you yell at them

You literally replied to a cringe comment about Lisa's brother and complained about how he was removed, this is all on you buddy.

If commenting on a message and criticizing is the same as creating a post and ranting, then SURE.,Yes obviously, thank you again genius.

None of us had any say, it was entirely down to Japan as to what happened. Your hysterical wailing won't change anything

Yea, like all that backlash you and your buddies did had no effect on pressuring the company on deleting and saying it was a "mistake", that's the worst justification I ever heard.

The only one wailing like a sniveling brat crying and practically BEGGING to adhere to his/her is you. I mean, insulting others, throwing a tantrum, saying nonsensical stuff, sounds like a pathetic don't-have-any-life wailer to me

Like you began accusing other people of having problems and causing the brother to be removed. You guys fired first, own it. The toxicity involved here is entirely on you guys, who couldn't keep your mouths shut and had to try and insult one group of people or another.

Yea sure, and you did and said nothing. We only gave a critique and you took it like I am insulting your family or something. Grow up, but I guess you are done growing

Insulting others and then trying to act "mature" by saying you're done is the most pretentious thing you can do. If you really wanted to act "mature" and "go away" you wouldn't have puked all that toxic garbage from your mouth. But I don't expect much from you either

This was a decent topic until you started being toxic, and the only way to deal with people like you is to talk in your language because when I tried to be rational, you only started insulting me.

Only a pathetic immature child would insult others and run away like that and then pretend he/she is being "mature" and leaving it.

Good day to you to, and if you're REALLY mature, try not to reply to this, and save this topic the slight decency it has left before you shredded all of it

/r/BanGDream Thread Parent