How'd you feel if the elected President/PM of all nations has to go through a practical test of living a week as lower and middle class citizen(he'll be treated like any other normal person)?

It's ridiculous to think this would really work, sadly. Classic reddit idea that that sounds good when you first hear it but if you spend a minute thinking about it you realize how ridiculous it would really be.

Others have pointed out some massive flaws but have we even considered the security aspect here? So we're going to send Joe Biden (who grew up lower middle class) to, idk, Harrisburg PA for a week? With no Secret Service protection? Seems like an opportune time for an American right-winger or a hostile foreign government to attack him. Or, we give him Secret Service Protection and then we've wasted tens of thousands of dollars securing some random one-bedroom apartment for a one-week PR campaign.

Google what happened when Jane Byrne (former Mayor of Chicago) did this. Had to secure a unit in the Cabrini Green projects with a number of security features. Jane does her week long PR thing, leaves, and the gangs immediately move into the unit with bulletproof windows and use it as an HQ for gang operations.

It's been tried before, has never worked, and is not a reasonable or smart idea. Sorry OP.

/r/AskReddit Thread