why does morrowind have so many haters?

for me it’s a few reasons

1.) the game is just slow, veeeeeeeerrry slow, and it has a severe lack of fast travel(yes it still has it but it’s usage is severely dumbed down) and the argument is always “you’re supposed to enjoy the world and walk around like it real and be immersive” yet the world is, in my opinion, bland

2.) the game as a whole is supposed to start off slow with you as a nobody, and THEN the game really kicks off! except that by the point where the game really starts i’ve already been forcing myself to play it so long that i’m just ready to be done with it(seriously this game is Baldurs Gate level of slow.)

3.) the VERY VOCAL fan base. this is a personal reason so this one can be hit or miss, but the fans themselves turn me away. the vocal portion of the fan base always shouts aboht how supremely elite they are compared to the other ES games and how much better this game is supposed to be. it’s almost a downright refusal to accept that skyrim and oblivion are also good games and it makes it hard for me to even get into the game in the first place when there’s an elitest wall blocking the entrance and giving the game this awful smell of toxicity by association. (this is not every fan of course, but just looking up morrowind or even skyrim or Oblivion on reddit or gamefaqs or steam shows you many forums with morrowind fans going at it with said other games)

yet i did play the game anyways, many times have tried to stick with it but it’s just tedious, slow, bland, and having text instead of speech just is not good imo

/r/Morrowind Thread