Does Nahida passive snapshot EM?

Nahida's EM share doesn't take into account % based EM bonuses from anyone, this is the case for any EM sharing mechanics to prevent infinite stacking.

The EM share also doesn't snapshot so it can indeed give higher EM if the character with the highest EM gets more (non % based) EM after casting Nahida's burst OR if another character gets higher EM than the previously highest EM character.

So for example;

CASE 1: You cast Nahida's burst and 200EM Nilou now has 250EM while on-field. You then activate Nilou's sword passive and now she has 500EM.

In this case Nahida's passive is still giving 50EM because Nilou's sword EM share & Nahida's own EM share are both % based so it won't be accounted for in Nahida's EM share.

CASE 2: You trigger a reaction with Nahida having 4pc Gilded Dreams, which increases her EM by 150, for a total of 350 (off-field) and 400 (on-field).

In this other case Nahida's passive is now giving 87.5EM because the 150EM from Gilded Dreams is NOT % based so it does get accounted for in Nahida's EM share.

/r/Nahida_Mains Thread