Does Weed help or hurt me?

I mean maybe all we’re really doing is taking away the craving for…anything. I mean I’m equally addicted to sugar as I am to anything else and sometimes, when I’m trying to be “good”, I’ll end up eating candy anyway and the primary motivator is not “candy tastes good” or “I really want the taste of chocolate”.

The primary motivator is ALWAYS that I want to stop thinking about and obsessing over the candy. Will I eat it? Won’t I? When? What kind? How much? In secret?

This applies to all substances in my life. I lean toward the belief that addiction fills a hole and then I guess the problem is that I never really look at or address the hole. Until I do, I will be addicted to weed or m&m’s or Reddit or Netflix or dusting or alphabetizing my kids’ Lego or whatever the f.


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