Daily Chat 5.16.18

Chickens are really neat.

I sure hope so. We have so little we would qualify for HUD, if only there wasn't a 15 year waiting list, which gets longer the all of the people with kids or getting pregnant who sign up for it and get priority over everyone else. There is no low income housing anywhere even remotely close to anyone we know, literally all of it is taken. Unfortunately a lot of people fell through with offers since things did not pan out the way they planned. One person made a promise of fixing up a small garage, that they backtracked on. Now they are now planning to just do one tiny room in the back of a garage that has been broken into before and leads to the alley, a garage where they plan to park a car, and have a bunch of open gasoline and hazardous chemical containers; sorry but hell no, that would literally kill my birds and my SO's and my ratties, maybe even the betta too.

We might have one very less than ideal option, if they have not found a person by the time we need to move. The person literally only likes cats, and hates dogs, so I would not be able to have an emotional support dog there, not even a small one. I mean I guess it would beat risking homelessness, and it would be about $400 or maybe $500 with utilities, to rent a small bedroom there but we would have full utilities and internet, which is less than even a studio apartment here with the constantly rising cost of rent.

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