This Douche I Used to Work With. (Stories of dumb shit he would do in comments courtesy of /u/frankonparade)

I'll start it off. First some background info, I worked with this kid in a work program where we did mainly outdoors/conservation work, typically we would go on these things called spikes where we get a work order that is in another city, so we would go to that city and camp somewhere nearby and show up to work like normal. This story is during one of those spikes. One story I can clearly remember started right as we started work after our safety circle-up. We were working at a habitat restoration and I was grouped with him to lay down drip-irrigation line. We would lay it down by loading 90-100 pound wraps of drip and solid hose onto spinning turrets that were on a trailer, and lay them down while someone (our supervisor) drove the truck the trailer was attached to. since the main storage area where all the line was, was far from where we were working, we tried to stock up on a lot of line. Someone else we were working with told him that he should grab a bunch of the solid line (5 or 6) before we leave, so he does. Not too long after that we run out of drip line, my supervisor asks how we could still have so much solid line, and this guy, sounding all proud like he took some kind of initiative, says, "Oh, well I grabbed a bunch extra." The look on my supervisor's face was priceless (keep in mind that this guy is prone to doing stupid shit), imagine a mix of not being surprised and being pissed at the same time, with good reason - it took about 20 minutes to get back to where we could get more line. All he could utter was, "Wow, you really fucked up. You REALLY fucked up. You fucked us up so bad." It was at that point where I was expecting him to call out our co-worker, since she had suggested we bring extra. NOPE he takes all the blame, and to top it off, decides to throw a bitch fit and not talk to anyone for the rest of that day and the next day (keep in mind, we're all camping out there together, he's surrounded by the people we work with).

tl;dr - this guy turned into a whiney bitch because he took responsibility for something he was told to do.

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