What is the Libertarian view on "socialism for the rich"?

i agree with it personally.

i have lived in America for 22 years since birth. i am disabled, and can only work roughly six hours per week. i have literally received zero support from the U.S government, as the declined my SSA case, which in hindsight i would have probably never felt comfortable keeping anyway, but ya. in many ways the government has actually hurt me. i am now being fired from the job i depend on for food and medicine for refusing the vaccine. so i asked the government for help cause i'm in debilitating pain all the time, they basically told me to shove it, then they fired me from my job. at least that's my perspective

then i see giant corporations receiving generous support constantly, and the proletariats like myself basically wage slave for them until i am no longer regarded as useful

/r/AskLibertarians Thread