Dutch Prime Minister Rutte: Dutch jihadists should die before returning to Netherlands

I would disagree. The politicians were asked to say whether they disagreed or agreed with the following statement: "It is better for Dutch Jihadists who have traveled to Syria to die there, than to return to the Netherlands."

When a person joins an organization that openly flaunts beheading and raping innocent people (children for heaven's sake) with the aim to fight for the same cause, then it is better in my honest opinion for that person to die in combat there, than to return to the secular Western country that person is originally from. We are talking about WAR here. Our people are fighting to protect innocent lives in Syria and Iraq and those people who have traveled there are out to kill our people.

It is extremely hard to build a case against someone who has committed atrocities in Syria, as there will be little to no proof of their crimes and especially not proof that the Dutch government has access to, and so it is nearly impossible to administer justice to a person who comes back from that country. Then there's the huge risk of violence that comes along with a person returning from Syria and the huge costs involved for our government services to try and keep these people in check.

I greatly value human life, but there are strong nuances that one needs to apply, for if you don't you run the risk of falling prey as a society to the evil intentions of people who want to threaten the peaceful existence that we've come to create for ourselves. Terrorism isn't eroding the values and freedoms that we have here, it's making us come to terms with a harsh reality that has been underestimated for far too long. If you still think that 'terrorism' is just a scare tactic to intimidate the West, perhaps you should ask the millions of victims in the Middle East what they think about that theory.

/r/europe Thread Link - nltimes.nl