Electrospaces' Summary of NSA Nicknames and Codewords (Very Comprehensive)

A ABNER I - ASA-sponsored general-purpose analytic computer (1952) ACIDWASH - Covert access point for a mobile phone network in Afghanistan, part of the MYSTIC program * * ACORN - Compartment for Top Secret COMINT information (1950-1951) * ACCORDIAN - Type 1 Cryptographic algorithm used in a number of crypto products ACRIDMINI - TAO computer hacking project * AETHER - ONI tool "to correlate seemingly disparate entities and relationships, to identify networks of interest, and to detect patterns" * AGILITY - NSA internet information tool or database AGILEVIEW - NSA internet information tool or database AIRGAP - Database which deals with priority DoD missions AIRHANDLER (AH) - Processing system for wireless data collected by a drone platform, like AST-221A * AIRSTEED - Cell phone tracking program of the Global Access Operations (GAO) * AIRWOLF - ? ALAMITO - The mission of Mexico at the United Nations in New York * ALBATROSS - Soviet cipher system of the 1940s and maybe 1950s ALPHA - Retired SIGINT Exchange Designator for Great Britain ALTEREDCARBON - An IRATEMONK implant for Seagate drives * ALTEREGO - A type of Question-Focused Dataset based on E.164 AMBERJACK - SIGINT/EW collection and exploitation system AMBLE - Retired SIGINT product codeword AMBULANT (AMB) - SI-ECI compartment related to the BULLRUN program ANCHORY - NSA software system which provides web access to textual intelligence documents ANGRYNEIGHBOR - Family of radar retro-reflector tools used by NSA's TAO division * APALATCHEE - The EU mission in New York APERIODIC - SI-ECI compartment related to the BULLRUN program APERTURESCIENCE - TAO computer hacking project * APEX - See Abbreviations listing APPLE1 - Upstream collection site APPLESAUCE - Civilian(CIA)-run station on Cyprus (1950s) APRIL STRAWBERY - Small-scale program that researched vulnerabilities in computer networks running critical infrastructure * APSTARS - NSA tool that provides "semantic integration of data from multiple sources in support of intelligence processing" * AQUADOR - Merchant ship tracking tool ARGYLEALIEN - Method to cause a loss of data by exploiting zeroization of hard-drives * ARKSTREAM - Implant used to reflash BIOS, installed by remote access or intercepted shipping ARTIFICE - SSO corporate partner (foreign?) * AUTOSOURCE - NSA tool or database AQUACADE - A class of SIGINT spy satellites (formerly RHYOLITE) ARCA - SIGINT Exchange Designator for ? ARGON - Satellite mapping program ARMOR - System related to the Predator drone * ARTIFICE - SSO corporate partner under the STORMBREW program ASPHALT - Project to increase the volume of satellite intercepts at the Menwith Hill Station in the UK * ASPHALT-PLUS - See above ASSOCIATION - NSA analytical tool or database for telephone (meta)data ATALANTA - EU anti-piracy operation ATLAS - CSEC database ATLAS - Cryptanalytic computer using magnetic drum storage technology (delivered in 1950) AUNTIE - SI-ECI compartment related to the BULLRUN program AURORAGOLD (AG) - Repository of data about international GSM/UMTS networks * AUTO ASSOCIATION - Second party database AZUREPHOENIX - Cable tapping facility operated in cooperation with a trusted 3rd Party agency, part of the RAMPART-A program *

back to top B BACCHUS - ASA-provided electromechanical cipher equipment for South Korean forces (1953) BALLOONKNOT - TAO computer hacking project * BAMBOOSPRING - ? BANANAGLEE - Software implant that allows remote Jetplow firmware installation BANCROFT - KY-67 voice encryption system BANISTER - The Columbian trade bureau in New York * BANYAN - NSA tactical geospatial correlation database BARNFIRE - TAO tool to erase the BIOS on a brand of servers that act as a backbone to many rival governments * BASECOAT - Program targeting the mobile phone network on the Bahamas (sigad: US-3310A) * BASILHAYDEN - Joint GCSB-NSA operation (proposed) to tap communications between the Chinese consulate and its passport office in Auckland, New Zealand (GCSB codename: FROSTBITE) * BASTE - Retired SIGINT product codeword BATON - Type 1 Block cipher algorithm, used with many crypto products BAYBRIDGE - Codeword related to data exchange at NSA's European Cryptologic Center (ECC) * BEACHHEAD - Computer exploit delivered by the FERRETCANON system * BEAMER - ? BEGGAR SHADOW - Navy airborne SIGINT missions BELLTOPPER - NSA database * BELLVIEW - SIGINT reporting tool BERSERKR - Persistent backdoor that is implanted into the BIOS and runs from System Management Mode * * BIG LOOK - ELINT systems on Navy EC-121s to detect SAM radars (Vietnam War) BIGOT - List of personnel cleared for access to highly sensitive information or operations BIG RIB - airborne telemetry collection program using RB-57 aircraft based in Adana, Turkey (1965-?) BINOCULAR - Former NSA intelligence dissemination tool BIRCHWOOD - Upstream collection site BITTERSWEET - first "advisory warning" (COMINT-provided alert) plan for airborne SIGINT missions (1952) BLACKBOOK - ODNI tool for large-scale semantic data analysis * BIRDWATCHER - Automated survey system * BLACKFOOT - The French mission at the United Nations in New York * BLACKHAWK - Program for surveillance of the Turkish mission at the UN in New York BLACKHEART - Collection through FBI implants * BLACKMAGIC - NSA database or tool BLACKNIGHT - Filtering or selection tool * BLACKPEARL - NSA database with SIGINT 5-tuple (TCP/IP), identified routers, routing protocols, and SIGINT access points, maybe also case notations * * * BLACKWATCH - NSA reporting tool BLARNEY - Program for intercepting phone and internet traffic at switches in the US (since 1978)* BLAZING SADDLES - CSE tool? * BLEAKINQUIRY - Metadata database of potentially exploitable VPNs * BLINDDATE - Connection for afloat computer network operations like aboard USS Annapolis * BLUEANCHOR - Partner providing a network access point for the YACHTSHOP program BLUEFISH (BLFH) - Compartment of the KLONDIKE control system BLUESASH - Network used by NTOC operational analysts * BLUE SKY - Airborne COMINT program in Far East (1952-?) BLUESNORT - TURMOIL type or site? * BLUEZEPHYR - Sub-program of OAKSTAR BOOTY - Retired SIGINT product codeword BORGERKING - Something related to Linux exploits * BOTANICREALTY - Video demodulation tool (formerly: UNCANNY) * BOUNDLESSINFORMANT - DNI and DNR metadata visualization tool BOURBON - Joint NSA and GCHQ program for breaking Soviet encryption codes (1946-?)* BOXINGRUMBLE - Network attack that was countered by QUANTUMDNS * BRICKTOP - Project to learn about new malware by intercepting e-mail from several security companies (2009) * BRIDE - Second codename for what eventually became VENONA * BROKENRECORD - NSA tool BROKENTIGO - Tool for computer network operations BROADSIDE - Covert listening post in the US embassy in Moscow BROOMSTICK - ? BRUNEAU - The Italian embassy in Washington DC * BRUTUS - Tool or program related to MARINA * BUCKSHOT YANKEE - Operation to remove the computer worm Agent.btz from infected classified and unclassified DoD networks (2008-2009) * BUFFALOGREEN - The name ORANGECRUSH was known to Polish partners * BULLDOZER - PCI bus hardware implant on intercepted shipping BULLRUN - An NSA COI for decryption of network communications BULLSEYE - NSG High-Frequency Direction-Finding (HF-DF) network (now called CROSSHAIR) BYEMAN (BYE) - Retired SCI control system for overhead collection systems (1961-2005) BYZANTINE - First word of nicknames for programs involving defense against Chinese cyber-warfare and US offensive cyber-warfare * BYZANTINE ANCHOR (BA) – A group of Chinese hackers which compromised multiple US government and defense contractor systems since 2003 * BYZANTINE CANDOR (BC) – A group of Chinese hackers which compromised a US-based ISP and at least one US government agency * * BYZANTINE FOOTHOLD (BF) – A group of Chinese hackers who attacked various international companies and internet services providers * BYZANTINE HADES (BH) – A concerted effort against Chinese hackers who attacked the Pentagon and military contractors. Probably renamed to the LEGION-series * BYZANTINE TRACE - "intrusion set" already indentified in 2007 *

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