Demon Sucks Cuz He Flipp Cars? So apparently this kiddo get's mad because i flipp all the cars he need to win me. His only excuse his "bad demon you need flip cars to win" damn he is 20% right lol, that's a 1v4 sweatty dudes who knows how this game works and dogde all my hits...

So to me what is weird as a demon main, I've been getting booted out of the boss with in a few seconds. I thought at first it was because my inferno was low or boss was low lvl in match. Curious because I've never been booted like this. I started paying more attention when my wife played. And as I watched it did not matter what lvl or how much inferno she had it would just randomly choose at some points how long the boss could be out. Against 1 survivor or 2 or all, it would just boot you within less than 10 seconds. Idk of its a bug, but I have noticed all night tonight map pieces and objectives were all in close range of each other. Also I was getting hits on survivors but no dates was being taken . I'm at a loss. This was happening for the past 2 nights.

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