ELI5: If somebody from the other side of the world were to get here instantly, would they have a nocturnal sleeping pattern?

Not really. Our behavior is heavily influenced by light that reaches our eyes. For us, it serves as a cue for sleepy time. Sensors in your brain register how much light we are receiving through our eyes, and it impacts the pineal gland and the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleepy patterns.

So our time traveler friend arrives, and maybe they start to nod off, but if they aren't stone cold asleep, they'll be rolling around and opening their eyes, and it is enough light to tell your brain to be up and about. This isn't 100% accurate, as some people obviously work 3rd shift and have trained their bodies to adjust to an abnormal sleep schedule, but most of those people that sleep during the day have pretty blacked out bedrooms to negate this effect.

A lot of animals depend on the seasonality of daylight hours to know when to breed. We sort of have an idea of how it works, but a lot of it remains unknown. It's fascinating to think that mother nature was able to design a system so accurate that is tuned to the sunlight patterns of a given latitude. It is elegantly simple, and yet so complex to be able to alert the body when it should enter into estrus to mate and bear offspring.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread