Engaging Men as Allies in Preventing Violence Against Women

And then we can tie it back to Jon Ronson who encourages this kind of behavior when he implores people to expose Psychopaths. The problem is, as Eckstein even indicated in his interview with Beavis & Butthead, there are very few Psychopaths and the term gets bandied about far too often. But that doesn't prevent The Genius of the Crowd from labeling someone they don't like a Psychopath and then setting about to stalk and harass that person and their family.

Jon Ronson, or any of these Amateur Entertainers cum Freudian Psychoanalysts, has/have no business determining who is or isn't a Psychopath and then stalking & harassing & threatening that person and/or the person's family.

Jon Ronson's admonition to expose Psychopaths is a call to Mob Justice. It's a Call to Violence. It's more than Irresponsible on his part, it's Grossly Negligent. If someone gets raped and/or murdered because they were inspired by his admonition, he should be held to account for encouraging such behavior.

/r/MauraMurrayMystery Thread Link - youtube.com