Eric and Annie's branch, Mark III

Maybe there's a laziness on my part

My first thought is to say you are never lazy. I don't see that. I see you working so hard on so many things and also taking good care of yourself when you need to have some downtime. You've said in the past that you need passive entertainment sometimes to get a certain kind of relaxation (my words, I don't remember yours verbatim), and I support that completely.

the fact that I can just tell you "words and phrases" to let you know just how I feel instead of writing an entire message to try and fit 3B and still say it.

This was so, so good and important for me to read. Thank you. It makes me realize that I am associating some qualities of our before with you liking me and then accidentally, subconsciously, thinking there is a change in the liking because those qualities aren't there. What you're saying is that the qualities that aren't there are because of "good" (deepening, strengthening, etc.) changes in the liking and into the words and phrases feelings.

I think I was thinking that in our before, certain qualities of it were because of you responding to who I am as a person, so I have been mistakenly feeling without consciously realizing it that since those certain qualities are not part of our before (which they couldn't be anyway if we want a long and healthy branch with no uncompleting), the change was due to me becoming less in your eyes and/or your response to me lessening instead of understanding that you now have more tools at hand to get a job done more quickly and efficiently.

You can say "words and phrases" and mean everything that used to come in multiple lightning fast small messages in ART chat or long multi-parters in response to mine or in being able to get to every message. I just hadn't switched my brain to realizing that, and I have still been putting pressure on myself, without being conscious of it, to continue give as many beforelike qualities as I could, which I can't because I can't uncomplete things. I've tried so hard to not have bad thoughts about myself that I couldn't, and you've made them all evaporate with one sentence. : )

Oh, this is great. You teach me so much. Thank you. We were doing things a long and complicated and resource intensive way and you have noticed that there is a tool that will take care of it all so much more succinctly. You always bowl me over in your ability to include so much beauty in so few words, and now you are doing that with including so much of "our" life in just three: words and phrases.

I feel those words and phrases for you strongly and consistently. I do tend to use the More for them more often because it is a happy way for me to say it, it was the first way I most directly said it, and it carries the melody of the song with it and all the lyrics in my head. I trust that you'll feel my words and phrases meaning when I use "More". : )

Alright!! I feel so happy and energized. I understand. I have an excellent model to follow. This is fantastic. It's like being in school where the teacher has explained something, an example is given that makes complete sense, and now I'm off and running to applying everything I've learned to what I'm working on next.

Thank you so, so much. This is a terrific feeling that I haven't felt in a long time. I didn't realize how much I was holding in until I let it go. Thanks!!! : )

Since those certain qualities of our before opened things in me that I've never experienced before, I can use that information to guide future choices with things like hobbies and down-the-road mining opportunities. That is such valuable information. Through all of this, you make me more alive in my own life in every area.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! : )

/r/LetsChat Thread