In every 48/46 groups, there's always that short Haired girl as center (AKB-Maeda, SKE-Jurina, HKT-Sakura, K46-Hirate, N46- Ikoma) and it seems like every girl just instantly decides to jump to short hair style because it's the signature look for centers. Is the management into short hair girls?

Look at all the girls through the years and find that it's done to change their image. These are all women that want to make a difference, young or old and want to make an impact on how they want to be perceived. We all call them girls, but their's a time where they want to shake the stereotype we all put them in and hairstyle is the quickest way to get attention. Nobody noticed but BNK48's Cherprang just cut her hair way up more then a bobcut and really got some attention and another (Music) cut hers way up and completely changed her appearance. Both look more mature and serious. IMO, short hair is coming back into fashion finally. This stringy hair look from the 60's only bring back the hippie days of failure. I would like to see Yuihan cut her hair back up straight across and Yukirin go back to a shorter style. I would even welcome Tomu Muto to cut her hair into a more mature short style. With all the girls in the 48 Group, I would think that the serious ones about succeeding and standing out will change their image up and see where it takes them. Short hair is a sign of growing up. Some do it faster than others.

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