F4M LongTerm RP Partner wanted!

Hi there!

Thank you for your interest. My name is Rachel and im 25 and in the central time zone in the United States.

Please see some of my ideas below. None of these are set in stone and any ideas or suggestions you have to add would be awesome! Let me know what you think :)

Realistic/Medieval: My main female is heir to the throne in a neighboring kingdom. She is captured during the sacking of her region and is the only member of her family left alive. The king in the setting decides he will marry her off to one of his sons or even marry her himself. The main male character could be the prince that is to marry her, a guard, or even a spy/assassin/something else cool from her own regions sent to procure her. I imagine the two regions are very different in terms of customs and languages, so she is very much alone and has to adapt. Because she is royal, however, she would know enough of the language to get by. (I use the term medieval loosely...I mostly imagine this being similar to a Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings type setting, but not necessarily with the fantasy aspects. Different races are okay, but I don't care if there is magic or anything like that.)

Modern day/realistic: A trauma surgeon returns to her home in Paris after being away at boarding schools/college for the majority of her youth and young adult life. She is the daughter of the leader of a crime organization/mob. She would know that illegal activities are happening, however, I'm thinking that she doesn't know the extent of the business. Early in the role, she would be kidnapped by a rival organization. The main male could be a member/leader of the rival group, a henchman working for her father, or even an undercover agent that has worked his way up in the ranks of either organization. Lots of possibilities with this one!

Demon/Angel: I've been toying around with an angel/demon roleplay for some time. The main female would be a fallen angel, who actually chose to become fallen after the death of her younger sister, in order to infiltrate hell and do spy on much of the demonic presence in both hell and earth. She's also a warrior and healer. She's struggling with retaining her angelic qualities while doing this mission, which would be interesting to write her conflicting thoughts. I'm thinking the process could take months or even years for her to gain the trust of Lucifer and other demons of importance. Lots of options in this role pertaining to prophecies and outcomes. Her character would be something totally different than what I typically write, in that she's going to have evil characteristics with an inner struggle to retain her angelic qualities and goodness. There are also plenty of options for the male character - another angel, fallen, demon, etc. I thought it would be cool for him to be someone of importance.

Fantasy/Supernatural: I have only done one supernatural roleplay before and I had so much fun for the few weeks that it lasted. It was a shame it didn't continue on like I'd hoped. I like vampires, lycans, witches, etc. I had a thought that a half human/half vampire female was hired at a company run by lycans, the leader being the main male character. Maybe she doesn't know she is a vampire, and would be going through her transition in the near future. The initial conflict could be that the two main characters are forming a close relationship and then she goes into her transition - leading the lycan to be distrusting of her, but maybe even feel some sort of obligation toward her if those feelings are strong. She could even be sired by a vampire leader just for story's sake. ALSO! This is dependent on whether or not you are okay with vampires being a species rather than undead. If it bothers you that they would be a species, the same storyline could work, with the exception that she would be turned in some sort of attack rather than a transition by heritage.

Fantasy/Mutant: This one is a newer idea that I had so I have not developed this pitch quite as well. I was thinking it could be more of a futuristic role, perhaps one where the government is capturing mutants to brainwash them and using them as super soldiers. The female character would be the human leader of one of the squadrons of mutants, but she's secretly a mutant as well. The male could be a new mutant recruited to her team, one that's been there for a long time, or not a mutant at all. Again, this one is not as thought out, but there are plenty of possibilities for this role. Very Xmen-esque, although I wouldn't strictly follow the rules of that world.

Okay, now that I've talked your ear off...

Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon! :D

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