[Faerie][LFM][FC] Primal Atsume <Mocha> looking for new friends for Stormblood!

Well, we generally have about 8-12 people on at peak times doing all sorts of different things. Right now, mostly leveling and enjoying Stormblood now that the Main Story Quest isn't blocked completely by server issues.

So our group is primarily casual. We focus a lot on helping out each other be it through running dungeons, crafting for each other, helping jump DPS queues by tanking (2 new DPS in an expansion, ugh 30m+ DPS queues), etc. Once we hit 70 we will be working on EX primals as that is what we do the most of, farming EX primals for mounts.

That is not to say we don't do other stuff. We do a lot of PvP and crafting. There is a group of us that do Savage raiding, but it's by no means a requirement.

As for the personality of the FC, we try to maintain as low of a level as drama as possible. Some is unavoidable, as with any group of people, but we minimize it by generally following some basic rules. First, everyone in the FC is expected to be respectful of your fellow members. There is no place in the FC for any belligerent comments regarding race, gender, sexual identity, et. al.

While we don't tolerate behavior like that we're also not your mother. Nobody is going to chastise you for crude humor or swearing as long as it's not excessive or truly offensive. We're a group of adults and we can all act like it. :)

Now that I have sent a wall of text, if that sounds like a place where you could fit in why don't you tell me a little bit more about yourself and your friends?