Feeling pretty damn lost

Hey! Also 21 F, it's okay to be lost. I'm about to graduate next month and I have no idea what I'm going to do. I also changed my major several times even though I started off as undecided. I also get bored easily and have too many interests but nothing that I'm really passionate about. I also struggle with trying to step back and not letting it consume me with depression but hang in there.

Find something that helps you take a step back and give yourself space to think. For example, whenever I have time I like to watch my favorite youtubers or listen and search for new music. My advice for something to major in, I would suggest looking into career counseling. I'm sure your school has a form of counseling that should be free and they make you take personality and aptitude tests that they combine and go over the results with you to narrow down your options and interests. I had career counseling my freshman year and last semester as a senior, now I'm trying to do one of the careers suggested from the results even though I got the same results since freshman year.

Don't worry about it, the best I can recommend if you don't want to do career counseling is majoring in something useful because I really regret not doing so and now I'm trying to get into grad school for the career I'm striving for due to the results. Also the reason for choosing the career I'm striving for is because on tests it says I'd be good at it and after avoiding it for so long I might as well try to see if I like it. If I end up not liking it well then I'll move on and it doesn't hurt that the pay isn't bad so I would be able to do whatever I want and travel etc.

You can always move on and start over besides it's what we're good at, reinventing ourselves constantly. I hope this helps and if you have any other questions just ask.

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