Feminists, what are your biggest issues?

I came here first of all as an ardent anti-feminist

Not everyone can be perfect, like me. Don't beat yourself up.

what do the actual 1 feminists on this sub see as big issues in society today?

Actual feminist here. Dropping in to give my 2¢. In order, I these are the actual major issues that come off the top of my head. Ordered most horrible, to least. The ":P" on the end of some of these denotes that I'm being completely serious.

  • Slut shaming. :P
  • Violence/War
  • Malaria, HIV/AIDS, strokes, ebola
  • Poverty
  • Rape
  • Starvation
  • Stupid people & shitty education systems
  • Religious intolerance
  • Political intolerance
  • Fucking worthless conservatives. :P
  • US International Policy
  • Climate Change
  • Mass Incarceration & the War on Drugs
  • Homophobia
  • and, of course, decaf coffee. It's fucking de-coffeenated coffee. Why are you putting that useless shit in your face?! :P

If you -- feminist reader -- were in charge of society, what things would you change first (assuming infinite power)?

I'd step down from power. Jesus fuck, who thought I'd be a good person to be in charge?! I don't have any experience with this. But, um...I guess I'd end all violence and war? Cure malaria, AIDS, and ebola? End poverty? Like fuck would I know HOW to do that, but I'd try!

Why would you change these things, and what do you imagine the consequences would be?

The consequences would be horrible. I don't know how to run the world. I've never even been a team lead, or a minor supervisor. I would fuck everything up.

What, in your daily life as a feminist, most annoys you?

My coworker Jamie. He's a stupid fuck and I sit next to him 40h a day. Computers, when they do what I tell them to do, instead of what I want them to do. Gender stuff has been completely eclipsed by Jamie and Windows 8. But in the gender world, it's when people argue like idiots. The sub Rules should be enforced on Facebook. Also, when people just bitch and complain and never actually get out and go help someone. There's a billion places to donate or volunteer. Go volunteer. Go donate.

I'm just, like, a normal human. With normal human problems and feelings. Gender, when we get down to it, is not the worst section of humanity in greatest need of revision. There are people dying out there. Ebola has fallen off the news, but shit ain't getting better. Malaria is horrifying. There are real issues in the world, and they can be solved.

Read the Gates Annual Letter.

/r/FeMRADebates Thread