Fiancé thinks credit cards are haram and even mortgages.. how is he going to live in Canada ?

I actually am working im another profession currently and am exploring others. Through my undergraduate degree, I'm a data analyst and alhumdulillah didn't have to take out a loan for this.

However, ive worked as a manager, a coordinator, a data analyst, and did computer science straight out of undergraduate. But to be honest, I've just been miserable in most of these jobs. A desk job is not something for me. Even right now im at work but for the life of me I hate doing it and just surfing on reddit instead.

I've worked at a hospital as a data analyst and interacted with my physicians and see what they do day to day. I honestly believe that is my calling.

Indeed my Akhira is more important than the dunya, but I honestly cannot see myself staying sane in my current profession for the next 40 years of my life.

Thank you for being concerned for a brother in Islam. May Allah SWT reward you.

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