Final year law student struggling with applications for vac schemes and training contracts!!

Not qualified to give you any proper advice but I thought I'll throw in my two cents.

Competition is fierce as it is with graduates, many with 2:1 or firsts, your 2:2 doesn't exactly put you in the best position as potential for recruitment. Maybe start off at a small firm and gain experience before attempting to dive into the larger firms? To be blunt it's not exactly realistic a big firm hiring you if your application never gets taken into consideration in the first place.

Contacts also help. I managed to get into BLP (Berwin Leighton Paisner, international law firm) last summer, due to my mother's contacts in Manchester but left to continue with my studies. Maybe ask another more experienced member on this forum or a qualified solicitor to check your applications and let them guide you in some way?

I'm a student myself so I can't give you advice on recruitment or advice you on where your going wrong, but my opinion is for you to start by checking the application your sending off to these firms.

Ever heard of the phrase ' if you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole but if you meet assholes all day chances are you're the asshole'. What I'm getting at is it may not be all the firms being picky and rejecting you for the sake of it, but it's probably something in your application that's putting them off.

Anyway goodluck.

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