What is up with the seemingly constant sexist, anti-feminism gaming controversies?

There are sides whether you like it or not. If you want to talk about ethics in video games journalism, the context of gamergate is not the place to do it. By aligning with the gamergate in any way, you endorse their views, all of them - even the ones you really disagree with.

My point is that you're not "aligning" with the everyone in the actual GG movement just by agreeing that there's weird relationships in game journalism worth exposing. Like, an actual individual can believe that without thinking that there's too many women or minorities in gaming or whatever. I get why it's convenient to paint everyone with the same brush but it doesn't really work like that, the "if you believe X then you must believe Y as well" is reductive hell and just silly.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread Parent