Britain’s ZERO Right to Life.

If you can breathe without aide, you are alive.

Okay, so, lets say you're in an accident and a piece of shrapnel goes clear through your brain. You are no longer able to think, feel, believe, touch, move, see or hear - everything that anybody ever knew or loved, your memories, your personality, your beliefs, they've all been wiped out. "You" (as you sit here at your keyboard) no longer exists, you're not trapped inside, you're just.. not there in the same way you weren't there in the year 1750.

Your body, your collective cells, however is able to breath, that's literally just all your body can do; what is left of your brain can only lift your muscles up and down and your heart can just about pump the blood through you to keep your other cells alive. It's not "you" breathing, it's a series of electrical impulses that make the right muscles twitch in the right order.

What has happened to your "soul"? Where is it? Did you "soul" leave when you stopped being able to think and feel? Or is it still inside you?

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