For those who were diagnosed as an adult, what brought you to that point?

So I was diagnosed earlier this year at 22. All throughout school I had an IEP for a LD in math,reading and writing. Apparently in with 1st or 2nd grade (so about 6 or7) my teacher recommend my dad have me tested for ADHD but my dad who at this time would have been clean for 4 or 5 years saw ADHD meds as speed and for some reason him and my grandpa got defensive about it so I was never accessed for ADHD. In around middle school/ highschool I would look up symptoms and my dad and his wife argued I probably had it and it would be worth getting tested but I lived with my grandparents and we didn't know who to go to then last year my older brother who was 31 passed away. My dad recommended me to go to counseling at this place we're my 13 year old brother goes and I also got diagnosed there after my little brother was diagnosed.

/r/AdultADHDSupportGroup Thread