I forgot how cancerous Atheism+ was until I stumbled upon this in the subreddit

Male circumcision is morally wrong. Making permanent body modifications to children removes the ability for them to make that choice for themselves. We can't just say 'female is worse because it removes sexual pleasure'. That puts the whole idea that it's wrong because of the lack of sexual pleasure.

The whole idea that male circumcision assists against the spread of STDs is completely bogus. The recommendation is given based on clinical trials in Africa which demonstrated males who were circumcised didn't have the same rates of contracting certain STDs. That's a clear correlation with these men having less sex since circumcision can significantly reduce the sensitivity of the penis. The foreskin contains 20,000 nerve endings. This is exactly the justification people use to circumcise females and it's equally wrong. If you did a study on females getting HIV, circumcised women would be getting it less because, what do you know, sex just isn't as great when you have a large portion of your genital nerve endings mutilated.

/r/KiAChatroom Thread Parent