I found this

Copy and pasting what I sent to someone else via instant messenger (hence the weird formatting):

Every single night there is barking coming from all over this neighborhood
There are 3 dogs like this
They run erratically across the road, through peoples yards, they chase peoples pets, go up to peoples doors
They do not acknowledge people at all
And I've watched 2 of them eat actual dirt.
They do this every night
They all have collars but no contact info
I've found all my neighbors on facebook and none of them have pictures of these dogs
They're a fucking nuisance so I've been yelling names at them when I see them and I finally got it right, or he just responded to me for some other reason
Used a belt as a leash and walked him around to see if his owner was around or if a garage door was open
Nothing. Kept unleashing him far away from my house and he kept following me back and tried to come inside
Called the police because whoever owns this dog probably shouldnt
They showed up and I was like
"...do you not have 24hr animal control?"
"...Okay. I'm not sure what you could do then"
and that was that
Now he is in my house
Now my wife is driving him around to see if he reacts to a house or something
He sits, shakes hands, and stays
And he jumped right in the car and laid down so he has an owner who is responsible enough to teach all that, but irresponsible enough to let them roam free
Also that white thing is a halloween decoration not a kkk outfit

/r/bradenton Thread Link - i.imgur.com