Fransız Charlie Hebdo dergisi Türkiye’de yaşanan deprem ile alay etti: “Türkiye’de deprem” “Tank yollamaya bile gerek yok”

Frenchman here. First, let me say I'm devastated by what happened to your country yesterday, I'm sorry I don't have much else to offer than thoughts and prayers but we stand with all of you today.

Now, on the drawing: I didn't find it funny AT ALL, it's far too insensitive and the meaning is completely unclear. As other redditors on r/france have pointed out, the aim is probably not to mock Turkey but rather to make a parallel with the Ukrainian situation where the country is being destroyed by Russian and now Western tanks (Charlie Hebdo's position, not mine).

Also, making dark edgy jokes right after a tragedy is a core part of Charlie's DNA. The magazine rose from the ashes of Hara Kiri, a 1960s newspaper whose motto was "dumb and mean". It got banned in 1970 after De Gaulle's death because their article read "Tragic party at Colombey - 1 man dead", a reference to a party a couple days earlier during which 150 people died due to a fire hazard. Of course everyone was outraged, the authorities decided to ban the magazine, and the former journalists created a new one called, you guessed it, Charlie Hebdo.

This is just to give you a bit of context as to why Charlie is publishing that, I find it tasteless and stupid as most of you probaly do.

/r/Turkey Thread Link -