Freyja's Cats Named by Dr. Jackson Crawford

I never ever said that these names were from the pre-Christian era. I never said authoritatively that everyone had to use them and they are official names now. I never said you had to agree with it.

But you're telling me I can't fill in the gaps with my own practice. You can't tell me that. You being of the culture that has been long gone since Christianity doesn't make you an authority. Just because you have some Heathen ancestors...doesn't make you the authority.

I don't see how this post leads to me turning Heathenry into games and fun as you say. I take my practice very seriously. Pointing out that I'm American sounds judgy and unclassy. I never told you to play make-believe. I really don't understand the circle jerk comment but they're a pretty decent punk band!

I wanted to call Freyja's cats something other than "Freyja's cats" and something other than what Paxson has proposed. I'm happy with what I got. I decided to share. That's all.

Stop drinking that juice and calm the fuck down.

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