[FS] Some plant trimmings in North Austin - $15 for all (pickup)

I took out more than I anticipated, so this is a good collection of easy growing, good looking, healthy and pest-free plants.

I'm in NW Austin, near Mopac and Parmer. Come by any time.

  • Big batch of dwarf saggitaria.

  • Some really cool but unidentified cryptocoryne that’s great in foreground or midground (Not parva. Maybe Crypt lucens?). Forms a thick mat if you let it.

  • A couple of healthy Crypt balansae that get nice and long. Look great in a background with good water movement.

  • Some Crypt wendtii, not sure on the variety, but it gets dark green on top and red/purple underneath.

  • Some other stem plant I’ve kept for so long I’ve forgotten what it is. Likely some type of ludwigia. Grows quickly as a tall green stem for the background. Will likely add to this bag as I continue my water change.

/r/AquaSwapTX Thread Link - imgur.com