What do you find to be some common misconceptions among women about what guys want?

I don't really have these conversations with socially awkward people so I guess I am thinking of the audience I am accustomed to here. My female friends are very attractive, sweet girls who have their quirks but are not socially awkward but rather are quit friendly and likable so I guess I am only speaking for what it means to women like that (women who are less likely to misinterpret any dating advice).

If I was talking to someone who didn't seem to understand the basics of socialization, I would probably tell them to avoid coming off as needy or desperate, which would have to include similar advice. I think more people make the mistake of being needy then being too distant, and women are often used for sex before getting tossed to the side when they are needy and too available (they are seen as a "sure thing").

If this awkward girl was pretty, she would still get dates while being a bit distant and honestly, she would just have to figure out how to not go overboard (maybe use a smiley face in her first reply to encourage him or something idfk just be friendly like he isn't some weird dude). If she isn't pretty... Well I wouldn't know what to tell her other than "don't text him more than he texts you, don't use more enthusiasm then he uses (if he is being flirty and talkative, then go for that and it probably won't be seen as too much by him but don't send him a book to every one sentence text he sends), make sure he is putting in a little more effort in the beginning (let him text you first to set up the first date) and don't sleep with him right away". Honestly, that sounds like similar advice, just spelled out more. None of this is rocket science.

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