Fuck It Fridayyyyyy!

Fuck you to my goddamn cancer. Just found out I have minute progression in the hip (hence my recent hip issues) and we are looking at treatment change next month. I know I still have a lot of lines left, Im still bone only and had a feeling this was maybe in the pipeline, but damn if Im not annoyed. Liquid biopsy next week and then onc and I will come up with a strategy. I wanted three more months on this drug, ideally 6, but nope, just squeaked past the median again.

I told hubs Im done waiting for other people to get their ducks in a row when it comes to shit - if I want to go on vacation we are going on vacation. Only now we cant because I still cant walk great and have to see what side effects are coming with the next set of drugs.

Pizza arrival in 15 minutes lol and I have Monday and Tuesday off work at least. Gonna go buy some shoes.

/r/LivingWithMBC Thread