Fulmer was asked about the track program and trying to get an indoor track: I'm going to get football fixed. Then there are a lot of conversations we can have when we get that fixed. My priority is getting football fixed.

100% agree on what he said was "wrong"...there is definitely some smoozing that he needs to learn as an AD and this will be bad publicity. Also, as an inside perspective, a lot of these non-revenue generating sports cost the university millions a year. I knew i was lucky to get to swim my way through school and compete...its as close to being "professional" as 99% of the athletes will ever get. The better football is doing, the more profitable it is, the longer the university will tolerate to fund these programs.

An indoor track should be built, and i dont know why/dont think there should be so much hand holding from the AD on football, but its definitely the best to make sure thats squared away for the longevity of all programs.

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