Gogokids Booking and Subsidy Pay Gone?

Gogokid is a mess honestly, I'd recommend only using them as a backup - have two or even three "main" ESL companies, and have Gogokid as your last resort. The entire Gogokid "disabling scheduling for two weeks with zero notice" debacle proved how awful they are.

Anyway, to answer your questions - bookings are incredibly sparse for most new teachers, opening your Fri and Sat nights Eastern time are your best bet, but even it took me three weeks to get bookings. And for subsidy, if you signed the old contract, you either choose: keep subsidy, but lose 5 credit points if you don't teach a class each week, or sign new contract with no class minimum but lose subsidy pay.

Also, I recommend joining an unofficial Gogokid group for faster responses, luckily I saw your thread on here by chance but this sub is far less active than the FB groups.

You can find more details about everything I mentioned on Gogokid's Freshdesk, you'll have to do a lot of searching though because it's very disorganized. I don't have many details memorized because I've become disillusioned with Gogokid's anti-teacher practices. gogokidteacher.freshdesk.com

/r/OnlineESLTeaching Thread