Goin hard on the xans!

Some people are so retarded. I was doing 100 packs for 200 - 250 (at least $1 profit per) and the regular "dealer" called the police on me. lol.

I had a nice chat with the police, who left since I have zero history, while the guy that called has a LOT of history with them. Then I had some friends take care of a few things, and now I'm out of the xanax game, especially once I found out what it really does to you. I don't want to put that in people's bodies.

/Week 9 of trying to quit from "just trying a few here and there" lol

I found it's real easy money, but I just don't want to be responsible for what it can do to some people. Addicts are real easy money, and once I saw the actual people who consumed them, I decided I couldn't do it anymore.

Especially the people with kids who drive blacked out. I can't believe some people, so I dropped out completely after that shit. I want nothing to do with any of those awful motherfuckers, even if it's easy money. I'd rather work at a fucking gas station or slowly die over time doing another customer service job. lol.

Now i just have a shitload of trip abortion pills, and the occasional super relaxing time, and a few hundred to slowly taper from lol. I also hand them out at festies to people who are having a bad trip. I'll talk them down and if they are having a really really hard time, i offer one for free to help them out. They find me the next day and give me a huge hug, and that makes it all worthwhile to me, some pay me like $20 cuz it saved their night too. People can be fun too lol.

/end rant

tl;dr Don't be dumb and get addicted. lol, but there's a story in there somewhere. I'm just getting my morning dose, so i'm getting chatty..... even if it's not necessarily about the topic....

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