Got my referral to CDA! what should I ask for?

They will most likely try to push you on cbd oil first thing. Which is fine, give it a shot. For some people that's enough. If you're looking for something with thc they will most likely give you thc oil first instead of flower. Same thing, might be all you need.

But if you haven't already been successfully medicating off the bm they might not wanna give you any thc products straight away. Not until they know cbd products aren't working.

Just be honest with them about everything. Your past use. You're reasons for applying for it. Your long term goals with it. All of that.

They've been incredibly helpful to me since even before I got my referral a couple months ago. They want to help. Just give them whatever info they need to do that. And they will take care of the rest.

/r/MedicalCannabisAus Thread