Gravity Falls Symbolism

Nope, nope, nope, nope.


Wendy, the Ice Bag, is what she holds. She acts like she's cool, and hides behind that. She really always stressed about High School and her family. Instead of 'wearing' the Ice Bag, she holds it, like a prize to be won.

Grunkle Stan's is on his head. He thinks too much about his family. However, unlike Dipper, he takes off his hat. When the hat is on, he's Stanford. When the hat is off, he's back to Stanley, the lost soul with nowhere to go.

Soos's Question Mark is also on the heart. He loves Abuelita and Melody. He doesn't want to hurt; he only want's to hug. He didn't even want to hurt Giffany, until she crossed the line.

Ford's hand is unremovable. Always attached, he can't escape his fate. Always the wierd one. Always the oddball. He just wants to fit in somewhere: even with his grandnephew, he's worries about being the oddball. He lends a hand to those in need, for he is the six-fingered hand, the one who foes beyond the expectations of five fingers.

Robbie's heart is on his heart. He just wants a girl to care for him. Love potion or not, he was protective of Wendy and is protective of Tambry. The heart is confusing: it can take two forms. The shape and the body part. One is a symbolism of love, while the other is a strange shape that takes time to understand.

Pacifica's llama is nowhere near her, only seen once in her house and once on her ex-enemy. She's missing, always looked at different than she really is. The real Pacifica was missing, until in Northwest Mansion Noir, we see the llama facing the right way. We see the true Pacifica in that episode. In fact, in the very scene we see the right-sides llama, we finally start seeing Pacifica's true personality.

Gideon's star is on his cape, his true personality behind him. The star is high in the air, and is hard to define. At first sight, we see a beautiful gleam of light. Later, we learn it's a hot ball of fiery gas that has probably destroyed tons of meteors. Or, shooting stars, if you will. See where I'm going at?

And last, but certaintly not least, we have the glasses. Who is it? Mcgucket? Blendin? Toby Determined? Ford's younger/older self? It's unknown. We may be provided with who it is soon, and I'm willing to bet that there will be symbolism


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