Green “Phantom Quartz”. From the brief research I’ve done, these seem to be low quality specimens that have extra crystals grown on them with an autoclave, and from the looks of it this isn’t an overly impressive example. I still think it’s pretty cool tho, for curiosities sake

I like your sub. I have been waiting for it to get up to about 1000 readers, at which point I was going to link it in the sidebar of r/MineralPorn. I encourage interaction between our two subs. I really want to help it grow. I was under the impression that one of the reasons r/mineralcollectors exists at all, was to get away from all the man-modified minerals, all the all-over-the-net-reposts, and all the reiki-crap that pervades mineralPorn. How accurate is my assessment?

The combination of all this led me to feel the need to politely defend this lovely little place from new-age junk and lies. Based on your message, you, too, seem to agree with that; at the very least, you have a keen awareness that the vast majority of your readers possess known hostility for reiki-crap. So why am I receiving this PM? How could I have done differently as a reader, as someone you know hates reiki-crap, and as a moderator of another mineral sub, leading by example? How could I have been more polite to this guy? What exactly makes you think I'm not familiar with reddit's rules?

I would like you to know that, when you're posting in the mineral sub that I moderate, that if you politely tell a reiki-person that his reiki-crap doesn't belong, and then he flips out and instantly, literally tells you to screw yourself, and then you click Report Post? I would like you to know that we won't blame you for that other person's decision to abuse you for making that polite comment. Please consider a similar, common-sense policy; or at least consider defining what appropriate push-back to the reiki-crap is, if mine was inappropriate. I'm happy to report it without comment, if that's the way you'd like to kill it with fire. Let me know what the appropriate approach is in r/mineralcollectors . Don't scold me for showing restraint. Normally I ruthlessly mock reiki-tards, but I respect your sub so I made a very polite comment and it's so tilting that somehow that was out of line. Please clarify.

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