Guy with serious hairstyle issues tries to come across as expert in consent

You really, really like assuming the worst in other people, huh?

He felt he had an important message to give to the community in a time where another prominent community member (one of the creators) had clearly violated another's consent. He's not trying to come across as some expert in consent; he himself says all advice he gives should be common sense. There is no monetization for this video. He does not make any mention of his Patreon, there are no ads so he can't make money off of adsense, and likes/dislikes and comments are disabled, so it can't get anything in the way of engagement (and before you claim he did that after getting flack or something, I can tell you for a fact he had them disabled from the start). He's already one of the most prominent members in the community, so not like there's anything he could have gained in that way from posting this video. He did do a bit of promoting on Discord and the like, but, like I said, he felt he had a message that needed to be shared in the community, so of course he's going to try and share it; not to mention, I think anybody who actively uses the discord's going to know who he is anyways, considering his prevalence in the community. You can argue that you believe the advice he gives is bad, but all the criticism I've seen of this video is based on Pojo's appearance/general attitude (which you shouldn't need me to tell you why that's bullshit) or assuming malice in his intention when I just can't see it.

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