The hackers have released all of the data.

74ABAA38.txt This file contains the GPG public key that can be used to check that all the files were created by the author and not modified by some third party. They are all legit in this case.

CreditCardTransactions.7z This archive contains all the credit card transactions from the past 7 years ! (The first csv file dates back to March 2008). All those csv files contains the names, street address, amount paid and email address of everyone who paid something on AshleyMadison. Those ~2600 files represent more than 9.600.000 transactions !

am_am.dump Here comes the interesting part. This file contains 32 million user data: first/last names, street address, phone numbers, relationship status, what they are looking for, if they drink, smoke, their security question, date of birth, nickname, etc…

ashleymadisondump.7z This archive mostly contains administrative documents about AM internals some of them were published a few days after the breach was announced.

aminno_member.dump I don’t know where does this database dump come from, but it also contains some personal data.

aminno_member_email.dump About 36 million email addresses. (Gonna make some stats on them in a second time)

member_details.dump Physical description: eyes color, weight, height, hair color, body type, “ethnicity”, caption…

member_login.dump This database dump contains more than 30 million usernames + hashed passwords. The passwords are hashed with the bcrypt algorithm and a huge cost factor of 12, which makes a global attack on the password very unlikely (even for most commons passwords). However, attacking a single (or a couple) of passwords is still possible and you definitely need to change your password.

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