Heat pump

Wow, I wasn't expecting a reply on a 6 month old comment.

I do realize there are heat pumps that are capable of working in cold climates, but you'd be hard pressed to find a contractor in Whitehorse that would/could install them. The Yukon is 20+ years behind the rest of the world in terms of building technology, and cold climate heat pumps have only been available for like 2 years.

Almost all new commercial buildings have them, and many residential homes.

Do you have a source on that? From my experience, almost all commercial buildings in Whitehorse are heated with propane in the winter (just look at all the propane tanks outside of Walmart). Maybe the very few large newer buildings with air conditioners are configured in a heat pump setup for spring and fall, but I would be surprised if that was even more than 10 buildings. The more eco-friendly builds are doing biofuel, and the net-zero, federal funded buildings are doing geothermal at an astronomical expense.

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