Hello from Landon Montgomery -- New H1Z1: Just Survive GM

I'm listening. The team is listening. :) It's human nature to equate silence with inactivity, and we all understand that. Please know that cool stuff is happening (base building included) and communication will be more frequent from now on. My primary focus is to fix we have right now, and add to the experience later.

Don't insult the community. We equate inactivity with inactivity; The fact things are as broken as they are right now is the problem.

Patches/updates are going to be stable and will not be released until they are.

heard it before, and look at the current state of the game, if you want a clean slate, fine - but you should roll back the current update as it literally made JS unplayable (look at the # of people playing this wipe cycle)

Fix now, cool stuff later. That's my priority.

we've been waiting for fixes for a year+ ; how about looping us in with the direction of the "cool stuff"

We'll be doing an AMA soon. Next week or the week after that. I'll update you guys.

Don't bother, just make the game playable.

Thanks for the posts. Happy to be a part of this community now. :)

There have been several posts from people who claim to be steering this ship in a new direction and, it's still sailing towards failure. Welcome aboard.

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