AITA for refusing to meet my step siblings from my father's second marriage?

Look, of course they the kids are not guilty of anything, but A, i will not give him the satisfaction, and B, i'm truly so uninterested, i already have 4 siblings and i love them all.

At age 26 i was at the lowest point of my life due to some circumstances, was not just suicidal, but actually had a plan and everything setup in case i decided i definitely had no way out of what i was in, the only person i could think of that could help me literally just by offering guidance, direction and support was my father, i got his phone number off of one of my sisters, i texted him saying something to the extent of this is me, i am in a really bad place and i need you.
And for once, idk why, maybe because i was still kind of young and naive, i thought he would actually show up, be there for his son, but alas... thing ever came back, and to this day, that was still the toughest battle i had to ever go through, the hardest thing i probably will ever have to do! i'm literally tearing up just writing this now, literally 8 years later. I've seen pain most middle aged men probably didn't experience still.
Why tf should i ever respect any wish of his, he's my biological parent, not my father, and i hope he rots.

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