Hit 200 Subscribers! The Sad Truth About YouTube

Sir you sound completely uneducated, "legal stuff" the only benefit to being in a network is copyright claims are much easier to deal with. Unlike you I provide proof & examples. For example H3H3 productions released a video that was clearly fair use yet he ended up being sued and it has cost him $100,000 with the lawsuit still going on today. His network did NOTHING and they could not do a thing about it. There are no legal benefits and most of the time copyright claims are the creators fault to begin with. In fact just recently PewDiePie was dropped by his network and he said that it was a GOOD thing and he kind of is the biggest youtuber so yeah. So no mcns are quite useless for all channels. It is indeed factually unfair, it is this simple, take 2 creators, creator 1 has 100 subs and releases an amazing video to which he gets 50 views. Creator 2 has 100k subs, outright copies creator 1s video and makes a way lesser quality version then gets 50k views on it and does not even credit creator 1. According to you that is fair, when in fact it is just not. You spout nonsense without anything to back it up, it is funny to watch you try.

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