I don’t want to work in film. I wasted my money on film school

Hey. Don't be so hard on yourself. I was 22 when I started becoming a musician and had no experience at that point except for retail. I am now 33 and just got out of a three year major depression where I didnt do ANYTHING. Time to start again :)

Your film set skills will come with time if its what you want to pursue. If you are quitting because you think you are useless, it's likely you will have the same feelings with future endeavors. Don't be fooled that a life working outside won't be just as hard, or harder. If you haven't worked outdoors full time ever, I would seriously consider trying to get a job at a park in the summer, but at least keep up your studies incase you change your mind.

You have the rest of your life to figure out what you want to do, and it might change in ten years. Not everyone is sure what they want to do at 5 years old, 15, 20, or even 30!

/r/Filmmakers Thread