Hold my Cosmo while I give this guy the finger then instantly regret it

Yeah I know that you've never had life nearly as hard as what other people have.

"I'm a snowflake, so therefore I am totally qualified to judge everyone else and determine what they've been through!"

Get over yourself.

You're more of a fucking pervert than anyone because you warp the world to suit your needs.

This doesn't even make sense.


More bizarre nonsense rambling....are you on drugs? Lfmao.

If you hate men and Reddit so much get the fuck off here

Why does hating men mean I have to leave here??? I can be here if I want you fucking douchebag.

Seriously you lost the moral high ground here when you wished sexual assault on me over some words on the internet. You're no better than a man hater so just get over yourself.

/r/holdmycosmo Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it