HMC while I sit on this swing for kids.

Because they're kids?.. i did the same shit as a teen. I didn't get stuck but I mean, you're bored at a park with your friends and joke about getting in the baby swing. I knew before I got in that I'd get stuck so I bailed. But I can see someone else doing the same and getting stuck. I can't say it's an ever present trope in media that kids get stuck in the baby swing. I don't think I've ever seen a show with that in it...

What does get me though is there's obviously a friend there with her, but yet they called the fire department.... You're completely incapable of helping your friend? You have no idea how to? Can't step over there and worst case scenario flip her upside down and help pull out her legs?... Seems like a helpless friend who'd just stand and film and call the fire Dept instead

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