
How has my life changed since soylent came about?

Well, I’ll tell you up front… Never in a million years did I think I’d be eating human flesh; and enjoying it! It still makes me feel weird to say it like that… “Human flesh”

But, you know... First came the lab grown meat. No animals suffering in cages and being slaughtered, perfect taste and texture, and lower prices too. It was better in every way.

As for the human meat… my friends tricked me into it. They offered me this hamburger non-chalantly at a cookout. I took a bite without knowing and was blown away by the taste. It was totally new to my senses, and just the most delicious thing ever. I guess the meat has the exact nutrients that our bodies need, because it is… our bodies, you know.

I was pissed off at first, you know, that they did that to me. But after I got over the shock and thought about it… you’re weren’t really eating “a” person, just some cells that were churned off an assembly line. No one was harmed. It was weird, but there was nothing really unethical about it.

Yeah, It’s fucked up how much things have changed. I never thought I’d be walking down the supermarket aisles trying to decide between beef, chicken, pork, and human. They renamed it “soylent” for obvious reasons. No one really wanted to go to the mexican place and order, ‘the human flesh burrito… with double the human for just 50 cents more!’.

I’ll tell you, though, seriously… and I’ve never told anyone this before. But, I notice when I’m walking in public, and I pass people on the street… mostly mothers with little babies, the tiniest of thoughts enters my brain for just a split second, and I catch myself licking my lips and salivating. I see lots of other people doing it too.

One time I slipped up and said to this woman, “What a delicious… I mean... what a precious little baby you’ve got there”. Hahaha…


I don’t think she found it very funny.

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